Here is a list of 11 types of websites that can benefit most from Google AdSense:
1.Great information sites with lots of content -- whether or not they have started generating revenue.
2.Narrow niche sites that haven't yet started generating revenue.
3.Sites that provide great information about high paying keywords...
Here is a list of 11 types of websites that can benefit most from Google AdSense:
1.Great information sites with lots of content -- whether or not they have started generating revenue.
2.Narrow niche sites that haven't yet started generating revenue.
3.Sites that provide great information about high paying keywords.

4.People who have a passion for a topic but have not yet created a website on that topic because they didn't know how to earn money from it.
5.Sites that currently use banner exchange programs and want to start generating some revenue instead.
6.Sites that currently offer banner advertising and want to increase revenue.
7.Sites too small to attract advertisers (or those who don't want to go through the time and effort to find relevant affiliate programs).
8.Sites with affiliate programs that aren't generating any or enough revenue.
9.Sites created by products like Ken Evoy's Site Build It! that focus on providing excellent content -- and earning money.
10.High traffic sites that contain sections or pages that aren't currently generating revenue.
11.Website publishers with extra advertising inventory.
In other words, AdSense allows publishers and web designers to focus on what they are interested in and do best -- producing the content of their sites -- without having to worry about finding advertisers or affiliate programs to make their sites profitable.

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